Friday, January 4, 2013

Bamboo Curtain Rods

I'm now certain my husband thinks I've lost my mind. I was complaining about the lack of "window flare" in the living room and threatened to go out back and cut down some bamboo to "create" my own curtain rods. Let me stop here and explain the bamboo situation...For some unknown reason, we have a small area of bamboo directly behind our little white shed. It's pretty random and honestly very bothersome because of the swarms of mosquitoes the stuff seems to attract.

Anyway, I took my lantern and quickly found two awesome stems, including one that was so oddly shaped I didn't know if I wanted to make a curtain rod or a really cool walking stick.


So, after figuring out that bamboo is harder to cut than anything in the world, I finally shaved away the dead parts and cleaned the stems with a little Lysol. I found an old black curtain and scarf for a contemporary look.




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