Thursday, January 17, 2013

The Balancing Act

What an afternoon it's been. So busy, in fact, that I wouldn't be writing at all -- except that now I look at blogging as routine - like brushing my teeth, or saying my prayers.

I had planned to dig up some dirt by the river for our soil lab tomorrow, but when I walked into the house after school today, I realized my baby with a runny nose had suddenly developed a nasty cough too. So off to the doctor we went. He was diagnosed with an ear infection, and now I am sitting in my room filled with cool mist vapor and Vicks...listening to his every breath.

It's just a balancing act I guess - teaching, parenting, being a wife...but I feel like this blog is a way I can really reach out to people with my interests and creativity. So if that means losing an extra hour of sleep to write it each night, so be it!

So, no big projects tonight. I did find a great old photo to put in that vintage frame from the Goodwill. It's a picture of my grandparents when they were nineteen. Ah, young love in the fifties!

I have also started working on a few things for my site. Check out this sign that I'm hoping others will post to their blogs. It's a fur coat and flowers (and my favorite twenties-era photo). I think it really fits my style and the blog.

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